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1月, 2023の投稿を表示しています

Remote, Hybrid, Office - Which one is the best working option at Tech Company?

 For more than one year, we looked/are looking tons of decisions and perspective about the best working option - Remote, Hybrid, Office. As a result, there is no “one” perfect way. It should be applied options depending on the industry, organization, role. In this blog, I compiled my idea in the Tech (Software, SaaS, Non-Physical product) company from my experience. In the Tech (Software, SaaS, Non-Physical product) industry and organization, I also found multiple decisions and perspectives for Remote/Hybrid/Office work environment. Someone consider “Remote make productivity and creativity improved more”, others consider “Office is the best. Remove decreased productivity and/or creativity”.  In the other view, New members felt that they could not be included into the existing team, company, organization. I believe all opinion must be true for them.  Last year, I started to work at two organizations. And I considered one organization can be applicable to Remote, but others needs to take